Privacy Policy

Corporate Statement

ADP Marine & Modular (Pty) Ltd & ADP Namibia (Pty) Ltd target fit for purpose project execution, small to medium scale pre-engineered plant and appropriate technology supply, to both national and international marine and land-based diamond and other precious stones, mineral sands, base metals, coal and gold mining industries with a continued view of responsible diversification into other commodity sectors.

Our Business Policy is defined as the integration of business operations and values, whereby the interests of all stakeholders including investors, customers, employees, the community and the environment are reflected in the company’s policies and actions.

ADP are committed to continuous improvement in our Corporate and Social Responsibility (CSR) strategy by;

  • Encouraging our business partners to implement CSR;
  • Continually improving our performance and meeting all applicable legislation;
  • Informing our staff to be mindful of the effect of their actions on non-renewable resources.
  • Introducing procedures to assist with implementing CSR

Corporate Governance

ADP M&M is committed to ensuring that our business is conducted in all respects according to rigorous ethical, professional and legal standards;

  • All the laws that regulate and apply will be complied with;
  • ADP M&M endeavour to ensure that stakeholders have confidence in the decision-making and management processes of the service provided, by the conduct and professionalism of all staff. ADP M&M do this by continually training and developing our staff;
  • All groups and individuals with whom ADP M&M have a business relationship will be treated in a fair, open and respectful manner;
  • Competition will be reasonable and based upon the quality, value and integrity of the services being supplied;
  • Feedback on performance will be actively sought, and ADP M&M will encourage customers to give feedback on our performance and ensure that all customer comments are analysed, responded to and where appropriate, acted upon;

Human Rights

  • ADP M&M aim to support and respect the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights;
  • All partners are actively encouraged to observe international human rights norms within their work.
  • ADP M&M aim to eliminate discrimination based on any grounds (Race, Creed, Colour or Religion) and promote equality in all their operations;

Ethics and Ethical Trading

  • ADP M&M will ensure clear visibility throughout all the business operations;
  • Training will be provided to relevant people on environmental and social issues affecting the company operations
  • ADP M&M will ensure that partners uphold the workplace standards and behaviours consistent with the Company’s requirements.
  • A documented assessment will be undertaken for every new contracted partner;
  • ADP M&M are committed to ensuring that the welfare of workers and labour conditions within their scope of operations;
  • ADP takes a zero-tolerance approach to bribery and corruption and will uphold all laws relevant to countering bribery and corruption in all the jurisdictions in which we operate.

Health and Safety

  • Implementing and maintaining a management system that ensures all legislation pertaining to the health and safety of employees is complied with:
  • Providing a working environment that is conducive for good health and safety of all employees;
  • Eliminating risks to people, equipment and materials as far as reasonably practical;
  •  Communicating openly on safety and health issues with employees and relevant stakeholders;
  • Ensuring a position of responsibility towards the local community with regards to physical Safety and Health measures, as well as providing continuous monitoring of these measures and providing information, education and training in this regard;
  • Ensuring that all employees at all levels receive appropriate training and are competent to carry out their duties and responsibilities;
  • Providing the appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to all employees and visitors;
  • Adopting a ZERO Tolerance approach to the implementation of health and safety standards and procedures; and
  • Conducting the necessary risk assessments to minimise and control occupational hazards and
  • Striving for continuous improvement through the regular measurement, analysis and development of our programme.

Management undertakes to operate an effective system and to ensure that all permanent and part-time employees and contracted companies comply with the above, as well as providing adequate training for all employees in order for these objectives to be reached.


All employees of ADP Marine & Modular and ADP Namibia, will strive to reduce all environmental risks related to the Group’s operations and activities, in order to protect the environment, whilst maintaining leading industry practices.

The company will implement, maintain and actively communicate an Environmental Management System throughout the company in order to ensure:

  • That all local legislation, international standards and client environmental specifications are adhered to;
  • That environmental management forms an integrated part of all management practices and day-to-day activities throughout the company;
  • To minimize its carbon footprint, and reduce the use of natural resources and promote the reduction and recycling of waste products, where possible, and
  • To continually improve and assess its environmental performance and adapt new processes, practices and technologies, where applicable, to meet its environmental targets and objectives.

Management commits itself to prevent pollution associated with its operations and activities by creating awareness and communicating this policy to all employees, sub-contractors and stakeholders in order to achieve the commitment as set out in this policy.